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More information customize cookiesEva SantanaView morePublishing date: 2021Language: spanishBinding: softcoverSize : 14,90 x 21,00 cm.Pages: 128ISBN/EAN: 9788417656799
La retórica visual en el arte, el diseño gráfico y la publicidadMassimo MarianiHow do images hold and convey meaning? How do we understand them? What are they trying to say? How do they persuade and influence us? This publication is a complete account which ...View morePublishing date: 2019Language: spanishBinding: softcoverSize : 17,10 x 24,60 cm.Pages:...
Visual Rethoric in Art, Graphic Design and AdvertisementMassimo MarianiHow do images hold and convey meaning? How do we understand them? What are they trying to say? How do they persuade and influence us? This publication is a complete account which ...View morePublishing date: 2019Language: englishBinding: softcoverSize : 17,10 x 24,60 cm.Pages:...
La gestión del tiempo para gente creativaDonald RoosView morePublishing date: 2019Language: spanishBinding: softcoverSize : 15,00 x 21,00 cm.Pages: 160ISBN/EAN: 9788417656010
Introducción y fundamentosEva SantanaView morePublishing date: 2019Language: spanishBinding: softcoverSize : 17,20 x 24,60 cm.Pages: 231ISBN/EAN: 9788416851355
La revolución creativa que está cambiando el mundoDerek YatesJessie PriceView morePublishing date: 2016Language: spanishBinding: softcoverSize : 27,00 x 21,00 cm.Pages: 208ISBN/EAN: 9788415967835
Alice Kavounas TaylorView morePublishing date: 2016Language: spanishBinding: softcoverSize : 17,20 x 24,60 cm.Pages: 208ISBN/EAN: 9788492810482